Transforming Music in the Flower City: Hermann Dossenbach’s Year in Europe, 1911–1912

On July 29, 1911, Hermann Dossenbach; his wife, Daisy; and their three daughters set sail on the USS President Lincoln, bound for Berlin, Germany. They planned to live in the city for the better part of a year, then travel throughout Europe and England before returning home to Rochester. Dossenbac...

Recommended Reading

Teaching the ROC

The Hill Cumorah Legacy Project: Capturing Rochester’s Latter-Day Saint History

Daniel Gorman Jr.

Birth Control on a Local Level: The Monroe County Birth Control League, 1934–1945

Elizabeth Carr

Letter from the Editors

Christine L. Ridarsky and Rebecca Edwards

Director’s Corner

Patricia Uttaro
Book Review

New York’s Burned-Over District: A Documentary History

Erik R. Seeman
Review Essay

Your Children Are Very Greatly in Danger and Just Action

Richard D. Deverell

Director’s Corner

Patricia Uttaro
ROC Artifact

Moses Shongo’s Wallpaper

Cynthia Van Ness

Who Ran the Clinic?

Director’s Corner

Patricia Uttaro

Letter from the Editors

Christine L. Ridarsky and Rebecca Edwards

A Note on the Sketch as a Historical and Literary Genre

Feature Article

Building Deaf Spaces in Nineteenth-Century New York State

R. A. R Edwards
Book Review

A National Park for Women’s Rights: The Campaign That Made It Happen


Key Dates: History of Joseph DeHart and the Deaf Community in the US

ROC Artifact

Zouave Photograph

Brandon Fess

Letter From The Editors

Christine L. Ridarsky and Rebecca Edwards

Revisiting the Mid-Sized American City

Michael J. Brown

Bringing the Past into Conversation with the Present

Rebecca Edwards

The State of the City: Past, Present, Future — A Conversation Between Rochester Mayor Malik Evans and Former Mayor William A. Johnson Jr.

Erica Bryant
Book Review

This Brain Had a Mouth: Lucy Gwin and the Voice of Disability Nation

Luticha André Doucette
ROC Artifact

William H. Robinson’s “Mammoth View of Rochester”

Peter Wisbey

Director’s Corner

Patty Uttaro

Letter from the Editors

Christine L. Ridarsky & Rebecca Edwards

Martha Taylor Howard and the Campaign to Preserve the Susan B. Anthony House

Jennifer M. Lloyd
Book Review

Strike the Hammer: The Black Freedom Struggle in Rochester, New York, 1940–1970

Michael Brown
In Conversation

Laura Warren Hill Discusses ‘Strike the Hammer’

Review Essay

Attica Revisited

Shanleigh Corrallo

Director’s Corner

Patty Uttaro

Letter from the Editors

Christine L. Ridarsky and Rebecca Edwards

Transforming Music in the Flower City: Hermann Dossenbach’s Year in Europe, 1911–1912

Lisa Kleman
ROC Artifact

A Secret Revealed: Charles Ott and the Ku Klux Klan

Christopher Brennan
Book Review

Declaring Disaster: Buffalo’s Blizzard of ’77 and the Creation of FEMA

Christine Keiner